MiiR was created in an effort to bridge the gap between business and philanthropy. Independently owned and operated, we choose people and planet.
How We Give
Each year, we invest a portion of top-line revenue in nonprofit organizations whose work uplifts both people and the planet. This diverse, global portfolio prioritizes organizations that:
- Center both people and planet in their work
- Take stakeholder-led approaches and build equitable and inclusive programs
We are dedicated to generosity in all its forms with our time, people, and platform so that our partnerships and grants can be transformational, not simply transactional. We are in a unique position to drive positive change among our peers and prove the importance of sustainable funding. With this understanding, we strive to be leaders in trust-based philanthropy and value transparency, humility, and a growth mindset.
Annual Grants Program
In 2022, we evolved our grantmaking programs, dialing them in further and reworking them for scalability. Our newest major effort was launching the Annual Grants Program, our first ever forward-facing grant application that would solicit applicants across industries in line with our three new funding streams. In turn, this has allowed us to broaden our network, support even more incredible organizations, and hone in on key issues where we’ve been eager to provide additional support.
Our 2022 Funding Streams
MiiR’s annual grant program highlighted three funding focuses for 2022, and invited new and existing non-profit organizations whose work aligns with ours to apply for funding.
By The Numbers
When we issue grants of any size, we seek to reduce friction and address the inherent power dynamic between funder and grantee. In practice, this looks like:
- Issuing unrestricted grants and avoiding project-based funding whenever possible
- Making our application processes flexible, accessible, and transferable
- Establishing long-lasting relationships and issuing multi-year funding grants
As a funder, we’re proud of how we’ve shown up in partnership with organizations:
$1.4 Million +
Given in 2022
grant funds issued
(or 82%) of grant funds issued were unrestricted
of grant funds issued in 2022 were part of multi-year funding agreements, compared to $90,000 in 2021
new grantees through the Annual Grants Program
We’ve also provided additional resources beyond monetary donations:
products donated
events sponsored
Generosity Highlights
MiiR China Supplier Give
At MiiR, a culture of generosity is essential to who we are as a brand. That's why we incorporate giving into our contractual agreements with our suppliers.
Each year, our tier 1 factories commit to donating approximately $10,000 USD, and MiiR matches the amount.
Our China team is integral to this process by working closely with factories to identify local charities and initiatives. The ultimate goal is to have our suppliers feel connected to their giving and MiiR in a more powerful way.
Collectively, MiiR China and four of our suppliers donated $67,940.91 to two Chinese charities. Four factories donated $37,203, while MiiR China contributed $30,697.
Partner Highlights
Bean Voyage
Bean Voyage is a feminist nonprofit social enterprise on a mission to create thriving businesses with smallholder women coffee farms. Because historically women haven’t had the same access and opportunities as men, Bean Voyage works to improve these women’s access to training, finance, and international markets to put them at the core of the coffee business.
Read MoreNational Young Farmers Coalition
The National Young Farmers Coalition (Young Farmers) is on a mission to shift power and change policy to equitably resource the next generation of working farmers. They are working toward a farm future that’s free of racial violence, accessible to communities, oriented towards environmental well-being, and concerned with health over profit.
Read MoreConservation Lands Foundation
MiiR was first introduced to the Conservation Lands Foundation in 2021. They’ve been a recipient of both our Employee Grant and in 2022 they were awarded a “Land & Water Conservation Grant” as part of our annual grant program. As an organization that works for public lands at the grassroots and national levels, their scope of work is massive and their reach expansive.
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