The Climate Label

Introducing: The Climate Label

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Published on in Impact
Introducing: The Climate Label

MiiR’s Climate Neutral Certification is changing.

At MiiR, our approach to responsibility is simple: to give more and take less. In that spirit, we’re always looking for ways to decrease our negative impact, and contribute to more positive outcomes.

Human-caused environmental degradation threatens not only thriving markets and healthy businesses but, more importantly, our overall quality of life. As a consumer goods company, we recognize the inherent impact of product manufacturing on the environment. That’s why we are dedicated to measuring our carbon footprint with increasing accuracy and reducing our environmental impact wherever possible.

Over the past four years, our Climate Neutral certification has guided these efforts. Now, we’re taking the next step.

A new standard for Climate Action

This year, MiiR joined a small group of brands to beta test the 2025 Certification Standard championed by The Change Climate Project – A 501(c)3 tech nonprofit leading a global movement of individuals and companies to eliminate carbon emissions. Today, we are proud to announce that we are one of the first companies to certify under this updated standard, earning The Climate Label.

How The Climate Label works

To earn The Climate Label, companies need to implement an internal carbon fee, which is applied to every tonne of their emissions. They then must allot the resulting pool of funds to projects that cut emissions across their operations and supply chains, and fund high-impact carbon removal and mitigation projects worldwide. Certification requires companies to track and report cradle-to-customer emissions.

Climate Neutral logo pointing to The Climate Label logo

What does this mean for MiiR?

As an early adopter of The Climate Label, we support it as a leading climate certification that is evolving to meet the needs of both the certified brand community and, most importantly, the climate movement. The Climate Label empowers and encourages us to prioritize high-impact internal projects, like transitioning to recycled materials, while also funding broader climate initiatives. For MiiR, this means:

  • Rather than pursuing "carbon neutrality" via traditional carbon trading mechanisms, MiiR is now focused on measuring emissions, setting a carbon price, and using that budget to invest in a wider range of reduction opportunities.

  • We will continue supporting external climate projects via the purchase of carbon offsets and renewable energy credits, treating them as investments in climate action rather than direct reductions to our own footprint.
  • We’re building a more robust, data-driven climate budget, aiming to maximize impact by investing in value chain projects that deliver meaningful, measurable reductions.


    MiiR’s journey with The Climate Label

    In early 2024, we calculated the carbon generated from producing and delivering our products in 2023, totaling 9,637.7 tCO2e, primarily from materials and manufacturing.

    We applied a per-tonne carbon fee, creating a climate transition budget. In 2023, we invested:

    $22,766.97 into value chain projects like transitioning to recycled materials and supply chain decarbonization projects, with the goal of reducing the impact of our materials and manufacturing.
    $94,875.78 into climate projects outside our value chain, partnering with Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) to support initiatives like natural climate solutions, clean energy, and responsible agriculture. Our full suite of BVCM investments is below:

     Project Name

    Project ID #

    Offset Project Type

    Name of Business Selling the Offset

    Protocol Used to Estimate Emissions Reductions or Removal Benefits

    3rd Party Verification of Company Data and Claims

    Vintage Year


    mT / RECs Purchased

    Kootznoowoo Forestry Project


    Forest Carbon


    ACR Improved Forest Management Methodology Version 1.3. (April 2018)





    Lightning Creek Ranch Grasslands


    Avoided Grassland Conversion


    CAR Grassland Project Protocol, Version 2.0





    Ningxia Xiangshan Wind Farm


    Energy industries (renewable/non-renewable sources)







    Tribal Renewable 

    Energy Fund Stacked Offsets*

    Underlying Offset: Rio Grande Valley Landfill


    Landfill Gas


    CAR Landfill Project Protocol version 2.1.



    USA (Multiple Regions; Pacific NW co-benefits)


    Pacific Northwest Green-e RECs


    Renewable Energy Certificates




    Green-E Energy


    OR, WA, ID


    * BEF is a nonprofit provider of carbon offsets, which means a portion of earned revenue from offsets supports their many mission-based programs. Stacked Offsets allow us to designate which specific program a portion of the revenue will go toward, and stack the benefits of carbon offsetting with program impacts.


    Our ongoing investments allowed us to make meaningful progress on some major reduction plans this year, and as a result, we anticipate the carbon intensity of certain products to decrease significantly as we continue to transition to recycled materials. More to come on this!


    "MiiR is incredibly proud to be an early adopter of The Climate Label, a certification standard that has evolved with shifting global regulations to better support certified brands and drive critical climate action. The choice to move away from 'carbon neutrality' via carbon trading, towards putting a price on carbon was a no-brainer for us, and the Change Climate Team made it incredibly easy and rewarding. Participating in the Beta Program has encouraged us to approach climate action more strategically, accelerate investments in our value chain, take bold risks, and be more creative when it comes to making meaningful, measurable results in emissions reductions. We couldn't have done it without the support of Change Climate Team and, importantly, the insights and approaches shared by fellow Beta Program participants."

    Devon Richardson
    Sr. Impact Manager @ MiiR


    Looking ahead with Change Climate

    We are proud to be early adopters, reinvesting in our business while contributing to a lower carbon future. We look forward to seeing this movement grow, and we encourage other companies to join us in making meaningful, credible climate action a priority. To learn more about Change Climate and other brands committed to climate action, visit


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    To read more about our Impact, view the 2023 report here >>